Tag Archives: Jing

Jue 决. Bursting/Exploding

The energy of bursting or exploding with your strike is always an exciting feeling. It makes you feel alive, powerful. Its one of the easiest jings to discuss but the intricacies of this energy is what makes it truly special.

What are these subtleties of this Jing? It involves the funneled connection of all parts working together to maximize the potential power. Like water breaking through the dam, its power is channeled through a specific point, exploding through and past in a gush of raw power. Bursting comes from inside. It starts at the Dan tian. What does that mean though? It’s the center of you equilibrium, its where all movement should start and end. Without a stable platform the energy can be easily dispersed or unconnected. From your center you can move energy anywhere and if you practice you can move this energy anywhere very quickly.

Yet to move quickly you need to bring your legs and root with you. They will follow your center, pushing off then re-rooting where you intend to go. It issue a force that explodes one must have the concept of due ba li within all parts of their body. At the exact moment the strike is delivered a slight sinking energy should be issued to root and allow the equal and opposite energy to extend out their arm or leg. Can when issue energy without this sink? Sure but you will find the power just not quite as strong (but depending on the fighter could still be extremely strong), a piece missing from the puzzle so to speak.

One also must be lifting upward or Ti (or Chui-suspending, many descriptions for it). Neither leaning in either direction (or any of the 6 honestly) and center maintained. You must “hang around your bones” and be stable. If one leans its creates a slight energy draw towards that direction. Is that necessarily a bad thing? No not necessarily, if one leans forward you will direct the energy that way but you may find yourself using more Li (strength) than Jing (power) as it will be slightly slower, not as sharp. When you center is off your power can be disrupted and dispersed more easily. You will not be as quick in any direction, dedicated but limited in a way.

To truly burst your energy your joints must be connected and coordinated. Starting at the foot and going up the leg, twisting through the waist, up the back and through the shoulder to arm to fist takes practice. You must relax, allowing the pulse to freely move through the body and not bind up at some joint. Many people talk of 9 joints or 5 joints or 3 bows or 5 bows: these terms all while independent of eachother hold many similar concepts together, most importantly is the coordination of the body to shoot the power out like an arrow. It must have Ting, or straightness, your joints compact together and explode together.

The energy must come through the shoulder and arm through the fist to a point beyond (Same for a kick as well). It must feel like your sending your strike to penetrate through your target! Use your intent and focus. Yi or intent is highly emphasized in internal martial arts but is discussed in any fighting realm. Whether you figure it imaginary or something greater, the idea of striking through your target adds effects. It causes you to slightly lengthen, to load and unload slightly greater, to move slightly faster and more coordinated. All these effects, while potentially small, can add up and create effects well beyond an unfocused strike.

Here is the other catch on Yi and intent. Your mind most be totally focused on that event. It must brain all its energy into it and leave nothing behind. An amazingly focused mind brings that much more coordination and power. Like an unfocused workout, you just don’t move as well, lift as much, fight as hard. It’s a catalyst to greater effect and truly needed in a fight. The mind must obviously be ready to move into the next event and not be stagnant but it MUST be focused. Note: some people will talk lofty ideals of no mind and connection to nothingness, these are very viable concepts in internal martial arts but are not something typical applied to this. This leads into much deeper debates on ideals that are not necessarily wrong but will bleed over into other concepts.

Internal arts looks to maximize the use of the mind and body, this includes how it strikes. It looks to harmonize the strong and soft, the energy coming in and going out, it looks to move with coordination, it looks to move with power and energy. Any small piece out of alignment or not focused in that moment take away from the whole. You can do 10,000 punches or kicks everyday but without focus, intent, consistency in effort, your power will be limited. Your power will not develop over time as effectively and it will not truly explode through at a level that would be discussed for years to come!

Hua Jin (化動) – Neutralize/Transform Energy

Sifu Hart demonstrating Beng Quan, once Hua energy is understood it can be expressed even in solo practice.

The final steps of internal martial arts fighting involves neutralizing energy and transforming it.

Neutralizing energy can be done rather simply; a person can jam, block, dodge, push another’s strike or body to neutralize their energy. These methods are often seen in external arts and other combat sports that need to apply defense quickly yet effectively. Internal Martial Arts emphasizes a neutralization method that leads the energy into emptiness to gain advantage and potentially transform it in some fashion. The concepts are circles are extremely important here along with a connected and relaxed body. A curve allows one to redirect energy and gain the upper hand. Coiling and accepting energy can also allow for one to negate a person’s strike while storing up a great amount of that person’s “energy” or momentum. You can block their strike in any direction and the greater your “entire” body receives that strike the better you can nullify it. Maybe you block down and back up some. Or perhaps you coil their strike to the side while stepping at an angle. There are numerous ways to neutralize energy but masters do it with understanding, precision, grace, and calmness.

You must accept the energy into your joints and the coiling parts of your body, compress them (but don’t overcompress — always maintain your root and center), keep them relaxed (yet connected) as possible. Song – Calmness and relaxation— is truly key to this point. However, the ideal of song is often lost in translation. If a person attacks you with a ferocious strike you are not going to be able to be a wet noodle and handle their energy. You will need structure, connection, and quickness to overcome and redirect it. The idea of song is to be as relaxed as possible to handle that energy. You will will still have energy, you may even tend to be on the hard side (Yin and yang are always together and mutual, you just must be more “yin” than the other person at that moment of accepting the strike to be able to redirect it). But if you are more relaxed than your opponent in that moment (even a hair) you will be quicker to react and overcome and thus gain the advantage (all other factors being equal). Again the more you can relax and find that sweet point the better.

Once you neutralize a strike what now? Attack? Continue to defend? This is where the concept of transforming comes in. There are numerous ways to transform energy; perhaps it is off-balance them, strike them, throw them or trap them, again applications are numerous and ideals will tend towards your strengths in the art. Transformational energy does require the use of your whole body connection to be effective. You need that “spring” throughout your body to “coil” and “uncoil.” To have a powerful strike or throw the body needs to be able to work together and use every inch of your body to produce a powerful effect.

In the end every fighting art works towards these ideals in some form or fashion. They neutralize attacks and react, putting themselves in ideal positions to attack with maximum power. Internal arts expounds and pontificates on this method. You will need to coordinate your movements and maintain proper structure throughout to maximize effect. Your whole body must develop a quick and sharp “Jin” energy, compressing and releasing effortlessly and timely. You must develop your intuition to be in the “right place” at the “right time.” You must be able to move and keep these characteristics in mind (as well as all the ones previously discussed in the blog). You train this in push hands and continue these ideals in fighting. Most internal fighters will want to connect through a block or touch of some fashion and continue that connection until the fight is over. The action is continuous, always countering and attacking: neutralizing, storing, transforming, releasing. At high levels this looks fluid and effortless. This level of fighting is truly hard to get to, its hyper-functional and requires a constant/consistent work against many different styles and opponents so you learn how to act and react to each style. Commonalities will exist but unique characteristics from each style will need to be explored against your own to learn the counters and gauge what energies are required and your effectiveness. Enjoy the grind, welcome the climb and work towards your own mastery.

聽 Tīng and 懂 Dǒng Jin: Listening and Understanding Energy

These two jings are very important within IMA and all Martial Arts in general, internal stylists just specifically emphasize it.

Ting Jin is an easy Jin to discuss but truly takes time and dedication to understand and “get.” Listening Jin is based on touch with any part of your body (almost everyone begins this by learning to listen with their forearms and hands). You adhere-stick (Zhan nian – discussed in the last blog post linked here) to your opponent and learn to feel their “energy” and movement. When will they move? Through listening Jin it will be revealed to you.

Dong Jin is the next logical progression. Once you can “feel” their energy you must be able to understand it. Now you must answer, “How will they move.” Will they attack or defend? Will they move forward or backward? Understanding Jin can be used in offense or defense. Is their energy hard, is it coming at you? Or is is soft, are they deflecting or parrying your strike? Now you must also do this while you are attacking or defending. Whether you throw the kick or punch or defend against it the Jin must always be present to know what your opponent will do and/or how they will react.

Why do we train these Jin’s? To understand and overcome our opponent. “Well Sifu I will just overcome them with my superior offense! You know what they say… the best defense is a solid offense!” I cannot argue that having a solid offense is great but to reach the higher levels of fighting defense integrated with offense is the true key. Understanding your opponent and making the fight look effortless is truly amazing to watch. To react before they even seem to move makes it seem like your skills are on a level that seem mysterious. All martial arts have/discuss this skill as it gives you an edge– Boxers call it a sixth sense, IMA calls it having spiritual power. It’s not magical, its engrained. Discipline and repetition, putting one’s self in countless scenarios(compliant and non-compliant). Your body must be empty yet alert. It must be honed, trained. You “connect” with someone you will instantly be able to react with the techniques and skills you have attained. The confrontation will become a sort of dance, you will constantly be attacking and defending, becoming substantial and insubstantial. You must effortlessly move back and forth with your opponent, being empty and full interchangeably. You must never getting out of distance that you cannot “listen” to their energy while at the same time putting yourself in a superior position, usually at an angle or body alignment that allows for instant defense/offense. One does not truly hone these skills through countless hours of forms and basics (but they are foundational and there are reasons this is done as well 😉 you must take that leap of faith and train these skills against partners.

A majority of people train these concepts through push hands. Push hands is a great exercise that I love to participate in but it’s limited in function. Advancing to restricted or freestyle push hands helps and I recommend as well but still limits capability. To get those skills that truly seem superior and appear mysterious I believe one must spar. Compliant at first through partner drills, as soon as you connect with your opponent “feel” their movement and understand how to counter. Blocking is easy but actually paying attention to their energy and body movement will give you the results you desire. Its about being present constantly (all wushu training is!). Once you have gone through a series of drills and feel comfortable begin non-compliant training. Have them randomly throw a punch or kick. Connect, feel, understand, react. From there multiple techniques and then free fighting. It’s a long road (years of dedicated practice to truly understand) with many many bumps and bruises. There will be times you feel like you are not “getting it,” there will be times like you are starting over, but if you strive through it the end goal is well worth it!

JingQiShen (精氣神)

JingQiShen are the three treasures in Daoist internal arts that one must constant nurture, cultivate, and balance for a long and healthy life. These three compliment and rely on eachother–if one is weak, the others will suffer, advancing age and increasing the likelihood of disease and sickness.

Jing (精):  In English this Chinese term is known as essence.  It’s a physical matter that is believed to be stored in the kidneys (yin in nature, apart of the water cycle).  It flows throughout your body to keep it strong, healthy and young.  It’s the primordial energy given to you by your mother and father.  It helps create marrow and semen and aids in the development of bones, hair and teeth.  As you age you “use up” your jing.  It is important to understand the seven desires and six emotions as these will hasten the loss of Jing resulting in physical decay (i.e. hair loss/greying; weak bones/connective tissue; teeth issues; dull mind; etc).  If you Jing completely depletes your body dies.

Qi (氣):  In this reference Qi is defined as the life force that enables your body to move and focus. When your body is strong (strong jing) your Qi will be abundant and circulate freely.  Qi is connected to the blood  and air and thus thought to be the result of lungs and spleen.  Qi is also associated with Yang and Fire cycle.  It circulates through your 12 meridians and 100 vessels.    If there is an imbalance, blockage or disruption then one can get sick, injured, or die.  When Qi strongly circulates a person’s fu organs will be nourished and healthy, they will move energetically and their si shou will be fully developed and strong.

Shen (神)  can de defined as spirit.  It is the energy behind mental functions and spiritual awareness.  To develop a strong shen one must have  strong qi and solid jing. Shen is housed in the heart and is another reason a person must conquer their emotions and desires, becoming centered and balanced.  To be centered and calm a person gains the ability to convert and consolidate shen in their Upper Dan Tian.   Shen will primarily be observed through the eyes (yangshen 眼神), through a strong and radiant gaze.

Overall the three treasures nourish eachother and are developed or used mutually.   A strong JingQiShen creates a strong and healthy ming (life).  If a person develops and cultivates these treasures they will slow aging (cellular decay is slowed), will have a tranquil peace of mind, and have abundant vitality.  Through Daoist concepts they may be able to develop a connection back to the void and expanded consciousness.  Now this is easily written but to truly have a strong JingQiShen  one must live a regimented lifestyle often antagonist to work and relationships.

Can I not have a strong JingQiShen then?  Yes, not as strong as the monks and martial artists of old but still strong enough to live a healthy, mobile, and happy life.  You must guard your treasures, nourish them, and cultivate them.  Do not let your desires scrape your bones, your procrastination strip away your youthfulness, and your idleness rob you of your mind.

Consistent (Daily) and focused practice will allow gains to slowly and surely be made.  Over time, this compounds, and resulting in real and recognizable gains in strength, health, and mental clarity.   Again, the ideals are easy to discuss and understand but true discipleship in this method takes dedication and patience.

Liu He Ba 8 Methods– 2nd Method: Bone

Da Mo aka Bodhidharma, transmitter of Buddhism to China and creator of Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing

The second method is Bone: gu骨.  Its states Bone power collects internally– gu jing nei lian (骨劲内敛).   On the basic level this method is associated with proper movement and alignment of structure.  Head up, chin in, back straight, your joints aligned and working in harmony.  If one part moves everything moves; if one part is still it is all still.  Many internal martial arts talk about 3 tips, 3 external harmonies, 9 joints, 3 hearts and within some Liu He Ba Fa lineages masters talk of the 9 joints and 5 hearts.  The intent of all these ideas are the same.  To move in a coordinated manner to create maximum force in the most effective manner.  Whether moving fast, slow, soft, or hard all effort must be made with all parts of the body in the correction direction.  If you hand falls but your  foot does not its incomplete.  If your foot falls but your hand does not the same inefficiency happens.  Everything must be coordinated.  Some internal arts fall with a flat foot during certain movements and others use a heel to toe effect.  In the end if your dan tians (upper, middle, lower) are in line and your hands and feet, knees and elbows, shoulders and kua move in unison you will find the harmony in your body. These harmonies can also be broken down farther into sections like shoulder, elbow, wrist and farther still into wrist, palm, and finger.  The more micro you can make it and feel it connected the more connection you will potentially make.  Some Liu He Ba Fa move their body in total unison while others follow more of a water principle and have a wave like effect among their joints.  I will not say one way is more correct than the other as long as in the end they work towards such jins as Hua Jin, Lou Shan Jin, and other energy expressions.

Yet there are deeper levels as well. Some sources talk of bone marrow as a source of Qi production due to the fact your first treasure (Jing) is used in TCM to make bone marrow. It is said when you are born your marrow is full, as one ages Yuan (pre-natal) Qi and Yuan Jing are gradually consumed and depleted.  So one must return to their origin and nourish the marrow.   Even Qigong sets are conducted with this process of renewing and rejuvenating bone marrow — i.e.  Marrow washing (usually associated with muscle/tendon changing qigong).  If your Qi is abundant it will naturally fill your bones and will be identified with a person having strong teeth.  Back in the turn of the century, masters with their Si Shou filled could tear metal with their teeth; something not readily seen now-a-days.  It helps to conduct Qi Gong or Liu He Ba Fa  with an inward intent at some point in your training, towards your bones and dan tian.  Working on condensing and expanding your qi with your breath.  The movement of Qi into the bones will strengthen them, rejuvenate them, and help rid your body of potential disease and illness.

[15] Simplify Things by Using Your Whole Body.

What’s one of the overarching themes I have explained throughout these principles?  Connectedness!  Now on surface level of this statement its pretty straight forward.  Your body–every fiber, muscle and joint– must be connected to accept and deliver the maximum amount energy.  When one part moves it all moves in some fashion (even at a very microscopic level) and when one part is still it all must be still.  External energy is maximized with this principle.  You can become truly fluid and move like the wind when all parts are truly connected.

But wait there is more!  Internal martial arts deals has an inside to deal with.  You must learn to connect all these parts together as well to generate and build energy then refine spirit.  Without these concepts your internal martial art is merely an external shell of a form.

Without unifying everything your results will be modest at best.  Some people learn to move well, and are truly beautiful and can generate decent amounts of power but they do not work internally so they can never break that glass ceiling of  power generation.  Others work only on internal aspects but let they body go to hell so they can barely move or are sluggish and slow.  This power generated is still modest and in most aspects worse than the external people.  Yin and Yang must balance.  It’s concept, like explained earlier, is easy to say but very hard to actually implement.  Your body, internally and externally, must be connected to generate the true potential of internal martial arts.