Tag Archives: Wushu

Hua Jin (化動) – Neutralize/Transform Energy

Sifu Hart demonstrating Beng Quan, once Hua energy is understood it can be expressed even in solo practice.

The final steps of internal martial arts fighting involves neutralizing energy and transforming it.

Neutralizing energy can be done rather simply; a person can jam, block, dodge, push another’s strike or body to neutralize their energy. These methods are often seen in external arts and other combat sports that need to apply defense quickly yet effectively. Internal Martial Arts emphasizes a neutralization method that leads the energy into emptiness to gain advantage and potentially transform it in some fashion. The concepts are circles are extremely important here along with a connected and relaxed body. A curve allows one to redirect energy and gain the upper hand. Coiling and accepting energy can also allow for one to negate a person’s strike while storing up a great amount of that person’s “energy” or momentum. You can block their strike in any direction and the greater your “entire” body receives that strike the better you can nullify it. Maybe you block down and back up some. Or perhaps you coil their strike to the side while stepping at an angle. There are numerous ways to neutralize energy but masters do it with understanding, precision, grace, and calmness.

You must accept the energy into your joints and the coiling parts of your body, compress them (but don’t overcompress — always maintain your root and center), keep them relaxed (yet connected) as possible. Song – Calmness and relaxation— is truly key to this point. However, the ideal of song is often lost in translation. If a person attacks you with a ferocious strike you are not going to be able to be a wet noodle and handle their energy. You will need structure, connection, and quickness to overcome and redirect it. The idea of song is to be as relaxed as possible to handle that energy. You will will still have energy, you may even tend to be on the hard side (Yin and yang are always together and mutual, you just must be more “yin” than the other person at that moment of accepting the strike to be able to redirect it). But if you are more relaxed than your opponent in that moment (even a hair) you will be quicker to react and overcome and thus gain the advantage (all other factors being equal). Again the more you can relax and find that sweet point the better.

Once you neutralize a strike what now? Attack? Continue to defend? This is where the concept of transforming comes in. There are numerous ways to transform energy; perhaps it is off-balance them, strike them, throw them or trap them, again applications are numerous and ideals will tend towards your strengths in the art. Transformational energy does require the use of your whole body connection to be effective. You need that “spring” throughout your body to “coil” and “uncoil.” To have a powerful strike or throw the body needs to be able to work together and use every inch of your body to produce a powerful effect.

In the end every fighting art works towards these ideals in some form or fashion. They neutralize attacks and react, putting themselves in ideal positions to attack with maximum power. Internal arts expounds and pontificates on this method. You will need to coordinate your movements and maintain proper structure throughout to maximize effect. Your whole body must develop a quick and sharp “Jin” energy, compressing and releasing effortlessly and timely. You must develop your intuition to be in the “right place” at the “right time.” You must be able to move and keep these characteristics in mind (as well as all the ones previously discussed in the blog). You train this in push hands and continue these ideals in fighting. Most internal fighters will want to connect through a block or touch of some fashion and continue that connection until the fight is over. The action is continuous, always countering and attacking: neutralizing, storing, transforming, releasing. At high levels this looks fluid and effortless. This level of fighting is truly hard to get to, its hyper-functional and requires a constant/consistent work against many different styles and opponents so you learn how to act and react to each style. Commonalities will exist but unique characteristics from each style will need to be explored against your own to learn the counters and gauge what energies are required and your effectiveness. Enjoy the grind, welcome the climb and work towards your own mastery.

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods–4th Method: Follow

GM Liu Xiao Ling with GM Ning Da Chun (Yi Quan Master) conducting push hands training in Wu Xi City.

The 4th Method is Follow (sui随).  It is said one must circle, pass through and scheme (yuan tong ce ying 圆通策应).  Following is an important concept in any internal art.  To understand where one is going is the first step to understanding how you should engage them.  This involves developing one’s Ting jing (Listening) and Dong jing (Understanding).  To follow one must be Song (relaxed) and engaged with the opponent, with your mind focused yet also at ease so you are able to instantly respond.  In the beginning some people , read the classics or listen to some high level master who says relax and just let go over everything.  They then become too relaxed and let their mind go–dead fish in the water.  They may follow but forget their other concepts and do not look for the opponents true intent so they are not truly listening and understanding.  There are steps!  You cannot be at step one and expect to be step 10 without going through 2-9 in some sort of fashion.  But Yes! A truly high level master does clear their mind and enter a wuji state– their level of conscious is on a different level and they are very engaged, following their partner in a way that looks effortless yet powerful.

How does one follow?  Circles!  But why circles Sifu?  Circles are the path of least resistance, they have no edges and create no stopping points.  If you are truly smooth and rounded you can overcome any attack.  One will find they can overcome 1000 lbs with 4 ounces (important concept in Taiji circles).  It will become fluid and “waterlike.”  There will be no hesitation as it all just “flows”.  It creates the opportunity to use your whole body, to align correctly and create massive amounts of power that you can store or release.  All the internal martial arts creates circles and Liu He Ba Fa is no different, just it Shen Fa.  One of its most important Jings is Luóxuán 螺旋 Jing (coil/spiral).  Like a spring it constricts and expands.  This is a different energy then the Cánsī 蚕丝 jing  (silk reeling) made famous through various Tai Chi Lineages.   That energy spirals continuously outwards from a centerpoint, creating tremendous power in its own way  (several jings are used simultaneously so spiraling and silk reeling can occur within the same movement).  Luóxuán Jing coils — accepts,  builds, and redirects.  Like wringing out a towel it can compress in the joints, tendons, and bones.  If you learn to listen and understand the energy of an opponent you can then follow properly and build your energy in your own joints through coiling.  This will help greatly as you learn to expand it in method 6 — return.

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 3rd Method: Shape

The 3rd Method is Shape (xing形); “Change image, copy and imitate–hua xiang mo fang (化象模仿). ” Shape is important.  To copy your sifu’s form and movement leads you down your own correct path.  You have to trust their skill and intent, but once you get the form down, with correct movement, you can start applying the harmonies and ideals, framing it to you and your will.  This involves shape – structure, motion, and intent.  With solid structure and fluid motion you will begin to move effortlessly and quickly.  Your body will get used to the intent you would like to apply and can change to it quickly.  It will mold into your own will and it will become powerful.

Shape includes the ideals of the 12 animals and 3 levels of Liu He Ba Fa.  You must learn to coil like the dragon, be fierce like the tiger, be nimble like the swallow, graceful like the goose.  You must understand what each animal  represents energy-wise and understand what it inspires (we will discuss each animal in later posts).  The levels involve high to low stances, being swift like air, flowing like water, and yet deeply rooted into the earth.

You are not on some animal spirit journey but understanding how they should move and what they bring to the form is important.  You must study the individual movements and what the intent is with the particular animal.  Coil, pouncing, seizing, being swift and nimble– All different characteristics that must be analyzed and understood.  The animals and levels bring necessary ideals which create health, mobility, and mindset.

Liu He Ba Fa 6 Harmonies: 2nd Harmony– Heart (mind) Combines With Your Intention

2nd Harmony: Combine your Heart (Mind) with your Intention – xin he yu yi心合于意

Focus is important, but more importantly what are you focusing on?  Are you focusing on your day at work, your family, or the task at hand!   It takes 200 days of consistent practice to learn the external movements properly (according to some experts).  What does that movement really mean though?   What is happening both inside and out?   This understanding takes MUCH longer.  The intention of each movement  needs to be thoroughly understood to apply the correct energies and applications.  Without the focus your mind can be pulled away, causing hesitation, inconsistences, and ultimately bad habits.  You need to be fully in the moment of what you are doing and where you are at.  Without it you are mindlessly doing an external form (which can still get a person physical benefits but does not reach the full potential of the art).


Also this is where 10,000 repetitions can truly compound.  With intention– with focus, it will engrain in a person’s inner conscious;  it has the potential to become second nature.  To fully open to the intention of each movement; to open to the energy and animalistic nature (yes there are 12 animals within this art) of it has profound results.   You become one with the form and the form becomes one with you.  Liu He Ba Fa has many variants among the main form but if you look deeply into that practitioners inner intent you can see if they have the essence of it.  Are certain moves fierce like a tiger, does it coil like a dragon, and deeper still do they demonstrate the 8 methods such as follow and return.  If their intention and focus is engrained in them, they will display these principles thus demonstrate Liu He Ba Fa.

Liu He Ba Fa 6 Harmonies: 1st Harmony – Body Combines with your Heart (mind)

Chen Tuan, Creator of Liu He Ba Fa

1st Harmony:  Combine your body with your heart (mind) –ti he yu xin体合于心

Your heart is wild–it can be courageous or scared; it can be scattered or focused.  It can be many things.  The heart (your wild thoughts) must be trained and honed.  This is accomplished through training and dedication.  With Liu He Ba Fa its accomplished by conducting the form and focusing this movement with your heart (mind).   Even though delayed, giving your mind action gives it purpose and training.  You train every muscle with the form and engrain it into you.  Every muscle, tendon, ligament works in alignment and in total unison in action.  The force of such a movement can be outstanding (Force =Mass X Acceleration).  By getting every fiber of your being behind your action it creates a tremendous amount of power.  But to do so requires an immense amount of training.  The old saying by Bruce Lee is I don’t fear a man you does 10,000 different kicks but I fear a man who has done one kick 10,000 times.  Michael Gladwell, in his book, Outliers, is quoted that studies show a similar number in a fact of hours, 10,000, is what is needed to perfect a technique.  Without concentrated dedication to your practice and constant effort, only average gains may be made.

Once engrained it will become subconscious and work towards the instantaneous.  These efforts can be hindered though if you do not train your mind to relax and be calm.  To accept things and understand them.  This, in turn, will relax your body and give its ability to react more quickly, more succinctly.  Fa Song is a great ability.   It is not lazy relaxation, where you become “noodly” and disconnected.  It’s a relaxation that creates harmony throughout your body that allows for your body to feel and adapt.  This starts with your ability for your mind to relax, to let go of the troubles of the day and have the ability to focus on the task at hand.   To feel inside and outside your body the event and work towards totality with it.  With harmony one: through focused movement , proper relaxed alignment, and continued effort, both on the inside and out,  great gains can be made to make the form apart of you.