Tag Archives: Dan Tian

JingQiShen (精氣神)

JingQiShen are the three treasures in Daoist internal arts that one must constant nurture, cultivate, and balance for a long and healthy life. These three compliment and rely on eachother–if one is weak, the others will suffer, advancing age and increasing the likelihood of disease and sickness.

Jing (精):  In English this Chinese term is known as essence.  It’s a physical matter that is believed to be stored in the kidneys (yin in nature, apart of the water cycle).  It flows throughout your body to keep it strong, healthy and young.  It’s the primordial energy given to you by your mother and father.  It helps create marrow and semen and aids in the development of bones, hair and teeth.  As you age you “use up” your jing.  It is important to understand the seven desires and six emotions as these will hasten the loss of Jing resulting in physical decay (i.e. hair loss/greying; weak bones/connective tissue; teeth issues; dull mind; etc).  If you Jing completely depletes your body dies.

Qi (氣):  In this reference Qi is defined as the life force that enables your body to move and focus. When your body is strong (strong jing) your Qi will be abundant and circulate freely.  Qi is connected to the blood  and air and thus thought to be the result of lungs and spleen.  Qi is also associated with Yang and Fire cycle.  It circulates through your 12 meridians and 100 vessels.    If there is an imbalance, blockage or disruption then one can get sick, injured, or die.  When Qi strongly circulates a person’s fu organs will be nourished and healthy, they will move energetically and their si shou will be fully developed and strong.

Shen (神)  can de defined as spirit.  It is the energy behind mental functions and spiritual awareness.  To develop a strong shen one must have  strong qi and solid jing. Shen is housed in the heart and is another reason a person must conquer their emotions and desires, becoming centered and balanced.  To be centered and calm a person gains the ability to convert and consolidate shen in their Upper Dan Tian.   Shen will primarily be observed through the eyes (yangshen 眼神), through a strong and radiant gaze.

Overall the three treasures nourish eachother and are developed or used mutually.   A strong JingQiShen creates a strong and healthy ming (life).  If a person develops and cultivates these treasures they will slow aging (cellular decay is slowed), will have a tranquil peace of mind, and have abundant vitality.  Through Daoist concepts they may be able to develop a connection back to the void and expanded consciousness.  Now this is easily written but to truly have a strong JingQiShen  one must live a regimented lifestyle often antagonist to work and relationships.

Can I not have a strong JingQiShen then?  Yes, not as strong as the monks and martial artists of old but still strong enough to live a healthy, mobile, and happy life.  You must guard your treasures, nourish them, and cultivate them.  Do not let your desires scrape your bones, your procrastination strip away your youthfulness, and your idleness rob you of your mind.

Consistent (Daily) and focused practice will allow gains to slowly and surely be made.  Over time, this compounds, and resulting in real and recognizable gains in strength, health, and mental clarity.   Again, the ideals are easy to discuss and understand but true discipleship in this method takes dedication and patience.

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 5th Method: Lift

Mount HuangShan. Resting place of Chen Tuan and birthplace of Liu He Ba Fa

The 5th Method is Lifting —ti (提). “The peak hangs on emptiness (ding xuan xu kong 顶悬虚空).”   Like a thread ontop of your head, holding it up and suspending the rest of your body.  Lifting the top of your head creates several mechanisms in your body.  First it creates proper alignment within your energy pathways and structure.  Your head is suspended, lengthening your neck and slightly tucking your chin.  It straightens your spinal column and Ren meridian. It allows your shoulders to hang and hollow out your chest.  Your Saliva and energy will have a better and straighter path towards your stomach and lower dan tian.   You have the ability to tuck your tailbone underneath you, engaging your kuas, and having the ability to move  in a flowing fashion.  The energy will naturally want to sink into your dan tian and your root.  This internal alignment is good for both health and fighting.

Secondly, by suspending your head you focus your energy and shen high as well.  Your upper body becomes light and mobile as air. It feels energized and engaged.    It may feel like buzzing, or raindrops but activity occurs and it is good thing! This engagement can calm your mind and raise your awareness.  Your mind can more easily find peace through emptiness.  Eventually it allows you to connect and become apart of the grander picture.

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 3rd Method: Shape

The 3rd Method is Shape (xing形); “Change image, copy and imitate–hua xiang mo fang (化象模仿). ” Shape is important.  To copy your sifu’s form and movement leads you down your own correct path.  You have to trust their skill and intent, but once you get the form down, with correct movement, you can start applying the harmonies and ideals, framing it to you and your will.  This involves shape – structure, motion, and intent.  With solid structure and fluid motion you will begin to move effortlessly and quickly.  Your body will get used to the intent you would like to apply and can change to it quickly.  It will mold into your own will and it will become powerful.

Shape includes the ideals of the 12 animals and 3 levels of Liu He Ba Fa.  You must learn to coil like the dragon, be fierce like the tiger, be nimble like the swallow, graceful like the goose.  You must understand what each animal  represents energy-wise and understand what it inspires (we will discuss each animal in later posts).  The levels involve high to low stances, being swift like air, flowing like water, and yet deeply rooted into the earth.

You are not on some animal spirit journey but understanding how they should move and what they bring to the form is important.  You must study the individual movements and what the intent is with the particular animal.  Coil, pouncing, seizing, being swift and nimble– All different characteristics that must be analyzed and understood.  The animals and levels bring necessary ideals which create health, mobility, and mindset.

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 1st Method: Qi

Daoist Immortal Chen Tuan – Sleeping Qi Gong and Spirit Traveling

The first method is qi(气 ).  It is written Circulate qi, collect spirit –xing qi ji shen  (行气集神).  In Chinese culture Qi is a foundational substrate to all living things.    It circulates the whole body.  In very simple terms within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), if there is a blockage, imbalance or disruption this is how you get sick, injured or die.  A person must keep their Qi circulating freely to keep healthy and strong.  Within internal martial arts the person looks to guard and improve their Qi.  They look to gather their pre-heavenly (essence from parents) and post-heavenly (food, water, air)–note this is an oversimplification of Qi and many books have been written about this deep subject.

This first method looks wants the person to learn to use their intention to circulate the Qi (beginning with the Ren and Du meridians), to build the dan tian (via water and fire cycle), and make the Qi abundant throughout their bodies; especially their 5 zang organs, 6 fu organs, and 100 meridians.   Once your Qi is abundant your Si Shou (4 extremities) will be naturally filled and expressed via hair, nails, teeth, and flesh.

Once your Qi is in abundance you can then start to work on the Shen (spirit).  The Shen is nurtured and supported by the Qi (relighting the cauldron) and vice versa.  This mutually beneficial relationship will strengthen the body, resist illness, and increase longevity.

The Shen will follow Qi.  It will follow it up into the spirit valley and with consistent practice it can be filled and opened.  It must also follow the Qi into every pour of a person’s body, every fiber and hair.  There it can be used to radiate outward and connect with the greater world.  Once it connects with the void, wondrous things become possible and viable.

Liu He Ba Fa 6 Harmonies: 5th Harmony — Combine Your Shen and Your Movement (Action)

The 5th Harmony is Combine  Shen and Movement (Action)

shen he yu dong神合于动

Have you ever had the hairs on the back of your neck stand-up?  Did you feel uncomfortable or anxious.  It’s a reflex within the body that few can explain.  One explanation Daoist like to use is its an experience with Shen or spirit.  You perceive something or feel something is bad or good yet there are no verbal or visual stimuli to truly backup this feeling.  Now if one can develop this action and harmonize with it, it can truly expand your mindfulness of the world.

You have re-ignited that fire and have raised your spirit to your upper dan tian.  The Shen follows the qi and spreads throughout your body, raising awareness and vitality.  You become…different.

What does one do with this? They must begin to focus back outward.  This whole time your have closed your senses inward and felt what was going on inside your body.  Your spirit radiates through you and shows through your eyes.  This is where internal martial arts becomes something even greater.  You send your spirit to every fiber of your body.  You combine it with every movement, every thought; coordinating action with detail with awareness.  The movements will become your own and become instantaneous.    You will begin to perceive things differently.  Your form will be look powerful as your movements begin to radiate feelings and energy yet be soft and have the ability to adapt at will.  It becomes instant and instinctive.

Li Nengran, the famous Xing Yi master, was called “Magic Fist Li” was able to develop his Shen to this level.  He defeated all challengers and his opponents often said they could not see when his hands struck outward.  Li had developed his Gong Fu to a level where he perceived on a different level.  He could instantaneously feel his opponents intention and move his hands to counter or strike, overcoming the will of his opponents every time.  It was said he could close his eyes and understand exactly where people and things were at.  He was truly gifted and his gong fu was special amongst even the greatest.  Why?  Because he systematically built to this level, not skipping or rushing anything.  He had constant dedication and focused effort and a true understanding of the Dao and his body.   He dedicated every effort, every thought, and every move to get to this level–something few can truly fathom and achieve in this day and age.

Liu He Ba Fa 6 Harmonies: 4th Harmony — Combine Your Qi with Your Shen.

The 4th Harmony is combine Qi and Shen

qi he yu shen 气合于神

Now you have a powerful form!  Yet there is more.  Some martial artists stop here, their Qi abundant and their lives full of energy.  There is another level.  You must reignite that fire in your belly and change the energy into shen.   The spirit must follow the qi to the upper dan tian and build there.  You must allow your spirit to then touch every fiber of your being, every hair on your body.

Through this your awareness will become truly keen, you will experience things on a new level.  A spiritual power is a strong thing if developed.  Have you ever seen a truly intimidating person just stare another down, see a person cower in fear, knowing they are powerless against them — this is a very similar concept, it’s a subconscious event that one cannot explain.  If developed your shen can be a handy tool for health and combat.


This level is just the 4th but still few reach this level.  They do not make their Qi abundant and thus cannot mix and convert it into Shen.  They will pontificate on the finer point of hormones and vitality, describing Shen in terms that they can relate to.  Is it this, yes– but it is so much more.  Your spirit can expand beyond the physical limits of these things, expand upon your own body.  It is an awareness and vitality only few know.  How can you tell if a person has started down this path?  They will become calm and relaxed, their outward appearance will radiate their inward strength and vitality.  A person will start to develop yansheng (spirit from the eyes 眼神).  It’s a difficult level to perceive let alone master, but the journey towards this harmony will make one healthy, strong, and vibrant.

Liu He Ba Fa 6 Harmonies: 3rd Harmony — Combine Intention with Qi

GM Wu Yi Hui – 20. Water Flows down the High Mountain

3rd Harmony: Combine your Intent and your Qi yi he yu qi意合于气


You have worked hard and you understand the movements internally and externally.  You have started to develop Nèiwài wéi yītǐ (内外为一体)!  Now the hard work comes in.  That intention must drive your internal energy throughout the form.  You must combine the inside with the outside and make it one.  Without your Qi there will be no true strength.  Now you may have some physical strength applied but that is not the intent with internal martial arts.  Physical strength can be strong but is considered a dead or stiff energy.  You need to develop that lively power; a person needs to relax their physical body, align it properly, and use internal principles to create Li (力).  Physical strength can decline quickly in older age (modern medicine and greater understanding of physical training has helped extend this to some extent though) but internal strength can stay with a person to the end of your days if properly maintained and practiced.  To be 90 years old but move like your 30 and hit like your 20 is possible.  It takes true dedication and understanding but yet still attainable.  It starts with this harmony.

Now a person must truly start to practice and dedicate themselves.  You have to make your energy abundant through diligent practice.  This can be accomplished in a myriad of ways, either through the form, zhan zhuang, silent meditation, other internal arts etc.  However the more you practice the one form (Liu He Ba Fa in this instance) and engrain the energy with it the better it will be.  Qi must be driven throughout your body; your 4 extremities filled evenly.  Your lower dan tian will become full and hard like a rock.  Once you have put the energy into thebank (so to speak) you can then withdrawal it, focus it throughout the form, and demonstrate true internal strength.  Once your internal energy combines with your external movements you will have true Fa li and your form will look relaxed yet very powerful.

Liu He Ba Fa 6 Harmonies: 2nd Harmony– Heart (mind) Combines With Your Intention

2nd Harmony: Combine your Heart (Mind) with your Intention – xin he yu yi心合于意

Focus is important, but more importantly what are you focusing on?  Are you focusing on your day at work, your family, or the task at hand!   It takes 200 days of consistent practice to learn the external movements properly (according to some experts).  What does that movement really mean though?   What is happening both inside and out?   This understanding takes MUCH longer.  The intention of each movement  needs to be thoroughly understood to apply the correct energies and applications.  Without the focus your mind can be pulled away, causing hesitation, inconsistences, and ultimately bad habits.  You need to be fully in the moment of what you are doing and where you are at.  Without it you are mindlessly doing an external form (which can still get a person physical benefits but does not reach the full potential of the art).


Also this is where 10,000 repetitions can truly compound.  With intention– with focus, it will engrain in a person’s inner conscious;  it has the potential to become second nature.  To fully open to the intention of each movement; to open to the energy and animalistic nature (yes there are 12 animals within this art) of it has profound results.   You become one with the form and the form becomes one with you.  Liu He Ba Fa has many variants among the main form but if you look deeply into that practitioners inner intent you can see if they have the essence of it.  Are certain moves fierce like a tiger, does it coil like a dragon, and deeper still do they demonstrate the 8 methods such as follow and return.  If their intention and focus is engrained in them, they will display these principles thus demonstrate Liu He Ba Fa.

[16] The Issuing of Your Whole Body Reaches to Every Hair.

Ahh, the last principle and probably one of the most important of all.  To truly  reach a level within internal martial arts and kung fu it requires mastery beyond kicking, punching, applications, or even building a Dan Tian.  To have been a real master of internal martial arts back at the turn of the century a person had to demonstrate the capability to fill their 4 antennas or extremities (Si Shou). When your Qi is abundant, has filled your organs and Dan Tian, it will naturally express through your 4 extremities.  One such extremity is connected to your hair through your blood.  Energy attaches to your blood and follows it.  Once your blood and Qi are thoroughly connected you will feel enlivened.  You will tingle with sensations and even the lightest of touch may send your senses off the radar.  The first step of to all of this though is opening your microcosmic orbit (discussed in principle 2).  Once your gates are open and you can quickly send your energy to your headtop you will feel a tingle in your hairs.  That is natural and good – you are filling things up!  Eventually you want to make that energy shoot up and pop your hair up on your head.  Masters of old were able to wear a hat and pop it off with a thought!   Hey and  added benefit it slows down the greying process of your hair and helps male pattern baldness!

Once you have the microcosmic orbit you work on the macrocosmic orbit.  This is where your energy flows through your arms and legs.  This is when you can get the energy to every part of your body.  When all your meridians are full and energy courses through your body you will feel it in every hair.  My friend once talked to Master Yun Yin Sen (Liu He Ba Fa master in Shanghai).  Master Yun demo’d his ability to raise and lower his arm hair at will.  Now this wont fend off a dozen armed men (or even a single one really),  but it demonstrates his abundance of energy and filling of his Si Shou and thus demonstrates his mastery and dedication to neijia arts.

As with some of these principles there lies a deeper meaning.  Sure its great to be alive with energy but it’s a trap!  There is another level that one should aspire to.  You must allow that qi and shen to mix and convert.  This is the level (as discussed in several posts already) that will allow you to sense others without touch and feel.  By expressing Shen at every hair you will have reached a level that can predict and act before your opponent, sense intentions, find meaning.  Can you read someone’s mind?  No, but by sensing the energy in their movement you are in sense doing so as you can react at a subconscious level, immediate and faster than anything they can fathom.

You must be able to connect your inner and outer together.  The energy and spirit must flow with the strength of a surging river throughout your body with the ability to move like the wind at will, swirling and alive.  All of the previous steps get you to this finality, to this doorway of mastery.  Its not an easy process but through hard work and dedication; you will have obtained what few have and will have a peace only few know.

[15] Simplify Things by Using Your Whole Body.

What’s one of the overarching themes I have explained throughout these principles?  Connectedness!  Now on surface level of this statement its pretty straight forward.  Your body–every fiber, muscle and joint– must be connected to accept and deliver the maximum amount energy.  When one part moves it all moves in some fashion (even at a very microscopic level) and when one part is still it all must be still.  External energy is maximized with this principle.  You can become truly fluid and move like the wind when all parts are truly connected.

But wait there is more!  Internal martial arts deals has an inside to deal with.  You must learn to connect all these parts together as well to generate and build energy then refine spirit.  Without these concepts your internal martial art is merely an external shell of a form.

Without unifying everything your results will be modest at best.  Some people learn to move well, and are truly beautiful and can generate decent amounts of power but they do not work internally so they can never break that glass ceiling of  power generation.  Others work only on internal aspects but let they body go to hell so they can barely move or are sluggish and slow.  This power generated is still modest and in most aspects worse than the external people.  Yin and Yang must balance.  It’s concept, like explained earlier, is easy to say but very hard to actually implement.  Your body, internally and externally, must be connected to generate the true potential of internal martial arts.