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I have a passion for martial arts and fitness. I have a blog to discuss Chinese martial arts and wushu from a western perspective. I focus primarily on Liu He Ba Fa, Xing Yi, Ba Gua, tai chi, tong Bei and various weapon forms.

[11] Concentration Depends on Your Ears

Have you ever been trying to perform a task, especially difficult, that requires a lot of concentration and right before knocking it out of the ballpark something distracts you and the grandioso attempt comes crashing down? The same is true for tai chi and all internal martial arts. Concentration and focus in task are required. Many people just do the form, thinking of random things or distracted by random noises and after 10 years of walking through the movements, they have very little to show for it. A person needs dedication, they need to work their intent, and they need to concentrate on the effort!
So why the ears? The ears are one of the easiest access points for distraction for obvious reasons. But what should we listen too to stop this distraction? In internal martial arts its not the outside noises – NO it’s the inside ones. Inside ones? Yes! You must learn to focus inward, listen to your heartbeat, your blood flow, and your energy move! You must clear your mind, shed off the day, forget what is happening around you and go in. Once you have mastered your in can you then work your way back out (but not with your ears!)
Another advantage of listening inward is the ability to better seal your body. What does that mean? As your focus and intent goes inward and becomes intense your skin has the potential on a cellular level to seal and contain your inward thoughts and energy. You will be able to create that cauldron that will turn essence into energy and eventually energy into spirit. Why do monks like to sit in caves and face walls? No damn distractions! With no distractions this process can become easier and the body can evolve quicker.
Modern society may not have that luxury. You may have to put in earplugs, find a quiet corner in your apartment or house or anywhere really and do your best. Whatever your situation, learning to listen inward is key into developing the rest of your skills and energy.
Now going back to working your way back out. Once you have listened inwards and your ears are not distracted with outward noises and your skin has sealed then it will become sensitive. This sensitivity will allow you to listen and react with your skin (and eventually shen). This listening is an important step in your training. You cannot skip or neglect it and think you will come to some amazing results. All these steps work towards that greater goal of developing your shen and gaining true skill and without molding each cog first you will never be able to truly build the wheel!
* Interesting side note – Scientists have even developed earphones that artificially create this environment and allow your focus to be amplified on your task and proven that it exponentially increases ability and function (

[10] Arriving is a Matter of Your Spirit.

The Spirit again!  As discussed in principle 3 the Shen is what gives us the ability understand our surroundings, decipher our opponent, and perceive their intentions without giving anything away.  Your ability to develop your spirit, through slow and deliberate processes can give you a great advantage and open up a whole new world.

Boxers, mma figthers, etc… the great ones are able to see the micro-movements in their opponents and counter or move first off that, disrupting and ultimately overcoming their counterpart’s strategy.  The greats like Li Nengran, Dong Haichaun, and Yang Luchan were able to do this on a different level; through the feeling of another’s energy and spirit.  How is that possible? It’s a different level that takes dedication, years of practice and refinement, and even then only 1 in 10,000 can reach it.

To reach this goal you must develop your Qi into Shen, raise it up into your Upper Dan Tian and develop your Shen valley (part in-between your two brain lobes).  You must open your upper valley to perceive all things (third-eye concept).  This is where it will get weird and will require your already top-notch very knowledgeable instructor to help you!  The sensations and perceptions you will experience will be nothing like you have ever had before (like a baby coming into a new world) and others will have thought you lost your mind.  A instructor will have to guide you back and show you control and understanding.  Last thing a person wants is to be perceived looney yet just be on that next level with no way to get it under control 😉

This concept is where you have to truly believe in the deeper levels of internal martial arts.   Some people consider it laughable, that is fine and I will never begrudge a person who thinks so; the rarity and dedication to this concept seems to have escaped modern times.   However like other esoteric concepts (example- an after life) what does it hurt to go after this level?  Even if you don’t reach it the benefits you will reap from the prior levels will be amazing for mind, body and soul, giving you a long and hopefully happy life!

[9] Gathering is a Matter of Your Marrow.

Qi. Energy.  Life.  The substance of what makes us alive and well can be gathered in all portions of our body.  For martial and spiritual purposes we want it to gather into the Dan Tian and condense and transform.  There are other places it should go as well.  The 5 Ying Organs should fill with Qi to ensure their health,  muscle sac (fascia) and skin should have Qi to give it strength against attack and illness, and the bones should gather Qi to strengthen the bones and nourish the body deep inside.

Why the marrow?  First Qi will follow the blood.  The better you can attach this energy to it the better your results will be.  Blood is produced and recycled in your  marrow.  The healthier the blood and marrow the healthier and more rejuvenated you will be!  Once the energy reinforces your marrow, its compounding effect toughens your bones, multiplies your ability to collect energy (healthier blood), and will lead to enriched vigor and strength throughout your body.

What this also demonstrates is your ability of moving your energy around.  It’s a natural progression in your internal development.  One who has truly abundant and lively Qi will have it everywhere and it will express naturally.  Now many people will feel their Dan Tian warm or have the ability to move energy to certain locations within their body and feel some sensation.  I would say that is the beginning (which is hard in its own right so its well deserved for those who get there!).  You must continue your practices, condense and refine your energy; then spread it and expand your capabilities.

[8] Coiling Extends to the Fingers.

Coiling, a grand concept that lies at the center of accepting and wielding energies with internal martial arts.  As your body moves as a unit you will notice it will be accomplished in small circles.  The foot screws into the ground which cause your leg to go into extension and a twist occurs at your hips and waist.  As the energy travels up the spine it expresses out your shoulder, elbow, then wrist as finally twists out through your palm and fingers.   Circles and coiling allows you to accept and move a great amount of energy in confined spaces.  The smaller and tighter your circles, the more energy you can accept and give back.  But to give back this energy must express fully through you’re the tips of your body, not be stifled prior too!

There are different types of coiling and spiraling within internal martial arts: Lou Shan Jing, Chan Si Jing, and other derivatives which all make their way into the ideals of these energies.  Again the idea is the act of coiling, the circular energy movement in all things.  To absorb, neutralize, and redirect energy it must be accomplished with circles.  To connect the body and issue energy there must be curvature (eccentric/contraction) movement prior to expansion.  Like a spring, the more you compress it, the greater the springback will be.   Now you can think of your body as a spring, your joints as springs, or even individual body parts down to a very small amount – an inch or lower; in the end the smaller the better.    Yet if this uncoiling doesn’t reach the tips of your extremities (and eventually beyond) then what good is it? Like pointed out in so many previous topics the use of the body as one unit is key.  Example– you would accept and connect to an opponents punch with one arm, absorb that energy through your Dan Tian, to your feet and then redirect that energy back up and through your other hand (and amplified with whatever energies you are capable of delivering yourself!).  Circles and coiling can be amazing concepts!

If you take nothing else away understand this part — FULL EXPRESSION.  The energy must reach your extremities; it must penetrate everywhere (discussed more 16 ;).  You must learn to open the macrocosmic circuit (microcosmic circuit discussed in topic 2 plus your arms and legs) and focus your intention and energy to your finger tips.  It must be concentrated there and eventually extended past them.  The more you can pinpoint the energy the more effective it can and will be.  These ideals are not unlike learning to punch through a target but the force of a coiling energy is much greater than that of a straight line while looking like giving have the effort!

[7] Wielding Lies with Your Palms.

Much of your action in martial arts is accomplished with your palms and fists. Blocking, striking, adapting and overcoming is first trained through your hands. In the beginning one learns to strike and block. All martial arts adhere to this ideal– offense and defense; protect and destroy. There are 8 primary methods for wielding in Taiji (in reality there are a plethora of different energies in internal martial arts but Taiji concentrates on these 8 in the beginning). These are Roll-back, ward-off, press, push, bump, elbow, rend/split, and pluck (again within these energies are subset of other jins/energies, many things are interconnected but details can be better interpreted with proper in-class discussion ;). Now the 4 primary skills of roll-back, ward-off, press and push should be practiced thoroughly to gain true skill. Yang Banhou (elder son of Yang Luchuan, founder of Yang Tai Chi) professed this in his book, relegating the other 4 energies to the inability to truly wield the primary 4 in all situations [1].

The greatness of internal martial arts and especially utilized in Tai Chi is the idea of Hua Jing, transformational energy. If one is able to stick, then adhere, then connect, and finally follow an opponent you have begun to grasp the idea of accepting energy. You will be able to know your opponents will and transform with it so that he may not grasp yours. From there one must learn to deliver this energy back through neutralizing, leading, controlling, and issuing. Thus you can attain the idea of moving 1000 pound with 4 piddly ounces! This is most easily accomplished with your hands (but a true master can wield from any part of his body ;).

There are more esoteric concepts as well. If Qi is abundant and you have filled your 4 extremities, the issuing of energy will be stronger and more vibrant. Your body will be more alive, agile, and have a stronger ability for both transference and wielding. These skills appear miraculous but really are honed ability through years of daily dedicated solo and partner practice, proper lifestyle, and thorough discovery of ones true nature.

[1] Yang, Banhou. Explaining Taiji Principles. Section 23. translated by Paul Brennan.

 [6] Pressing is Felt at the Foot.

Pressing? I press with my hands I thought. Yes and no. To issue energy there must be a root, or for my physic nerds, an equal and opposite energy! Due Ba Li (opposite power), can be expressed in many different ways (the theory can be quite deep and expressed from whole body to 1 inch 😉 but no greater way then by rooting through your feet and exploding its opposite energy the other direction.

Now some people will imagine their feet deep in the earth while others will use their intention and develop a strong Yongquan (K-1) connection in the middle of the soles of their feet. The idea is the press through the foot, if you do not connect your foot to the earth is some fashion the energy will be false and weak. Even weightlifters understand this as they squat or deadlift, its not just the muscles contracting and extending but the pushing down that generates quite a bit of power in the lift as well. Hell Sir Isaac Newton must have been practicing Tai Chi because his third law of motion is based off this principle (well maybe… 😉

The truth of how this truly works still lies within the connection the body, the relaxation, and the smooth breathing. As the foot connects the body stores the energy and releases it at the appropriate time through the proper channels internally, between joints and nodes, meridians and tendons! Without proper form the pressing will be useless.   The tenacity of the movement has to find its power delivered from the foot!

[5] Movement lies with your legs. 

This concept seems simple.  Of course I move around by using my legs, duh!  The important part is in the how.  Sun Lutang and several other masters talked of 4 manifestations and 5 steps within Taiji.  The 4 manifestations are: advancing, retreating, going left, and going right.  The 5 steps are; advance, retreat, left, right, and stay in the center.

Well that seems simple enough, I just move around right?  Unfortunately its more complicated than that.  One must move with the right intention and centeredness.  You must move with root yet be agile and smooth.   These ideas take years of moving in a slow and relaxed manner, discovering the depth of each move.  Should your leg be empty or full? Should it deliver energy or accept it?  Once you grasp these details you then must dive deeper into what the movement entails.  Your legs must connect to the body, must become light and agile yet able to sink into the ground within a moments notice.  You must be moving left then change right within an instant.  You must be able to retreat yet advance at a moments notice when the vulnerability is discovered.  This is a martial art that breeds health and longevity but is still a MARTIAL ART!

The ability to change intention within any part of the body is difficult, but even more so with the legs.  Many people spend more time sitting then actually moving, much to the dismay of our genetics and heritage!  Their kuas are closed and tendons tight.  This sluggishness is hard to overcome and must be trained OUT of your body.  The bows of the legs must be trained to be taut and strong!

“But Sifu, I am tired today…”

Too bad! Through the difficult comes the great.  A person must eat the bitter to attain the truth in things.  Without Yang, your Ying will never truly flourish, only lie dormant and elusive to health and combat.  Even just standing at a desk or in your house instead of sitting will give strength to the legs and help overcome this idleness.  This is the start, in the little achievements greater will persist and one day you will accomplish your form 10, then 20, and may be even 40 times without noticing any sluggishness and tiredness – true Gong Fu!

[4] Energy sinks to your elixir field.

The elixir field; the cinnabar field; the lower Dan Tian.  Different names, same meanings depending on your lineage and tradition of learning.  The important part to developing true skill is gathering your qi or energy into this area for later use!  Why do I need Qi?  Well Qi is life, you use energy in all things and gather it from all places.   However, the pure stuff though is from your essence, that’s the stuff that can give you wings ;)!  Sure you can learn to relax, breath smoothly, and move perfectly; these skills alone will put you a step ahead of most and give you a very long and healthy life.  But there is more…

This more is why most people look towards internal martial arts, a deeper side that nurtures and improves the body into old age.  Lets be honest, kicking someone’s ass is actually relatively easy and can be learned through a variety of methods , i.e. jujitsu, boxing, wrestling, karate, tae kwon do, etc; in a relatively short amount of time (3 months to a year)…  What the enlightened few look for is that more intellectual method;  the method that involves building your Dain Tian into a powerhouse and finding health and happiness.

To do this you must focus your intent on your lower Dan Tian.  Its location is about 1.5-3 inches below the navel and 2-2.5 inches inside the body (depending on your shape and size ;).  You must put your mind into your lower Dan Tian and focus your energy there.  This not only helps you truly clear your mind and get you into a flow state, it provides numerous health benefits.  Your body relaxes, your breathing and heart rate will slow down, blood will flow there–nourishing organs, your senses will focus inside and you will find tranquility!  There the energy will build and develop, building the jade pill which can nourish the body and develop the spirit.  It must become second nature!  The more you devote your time and intent to it, the greater the benefit; even as you read this blog you should put your mind into your lower Dan Tian and breath into it!  Its not an easy process and neglecting it even for a day has set several masters back from true attainment.  Hell that’s why monks go into the mountains and face walls because developing this is a very important step into gaining immortality, without it no other step can be accomplished.  Every internal martial and qigong art has this concept of developing your lower Dan Tian.  Its theory is simple, but its practice is arduous and demanding!

[3] Spirit courses through your spine.

Oh the spirit!  A level many enjoy talking about but few actually reach.  Shen or Spirit is a more esoteric level and dives into the stranger side of internal martial arts.  Some discuss Shen as your vigor, emotions, or hormones, but I believe they miss the mark.   The classics talk of very few people attaining such a great feat,  Masters like Li Nang Ren (Xing Yi), Dong Hai Chuan (Ba Gua), and Yang Lu Chuan (Tai Chi) were said to obtain such a level through diligent practice, concentrated effort, and humble ability.    Shen must be produced and nourished through our intention of raising Qi into the Upper Dan Tian.  This is where the magic will happen.  Now to accomplish such a feat a person needs to follow the protocol and work first to convert essence (jing) into Qi and store their Qi.  Once they have accumulated Qi in your lower Dan Tian and 5 organs (throughout your body); you can work towards developing your Qi into Shen and bringing it into your Upper Dan Tian through the Du meridian (GV vessel).

Now a person might ask me, “Sifu, can’t I just go right to Shen development?”

“NO!”  Without the proper buildup and accumulation of resources your Shen will be weak and frail, incapable of the abilities an internal martial artist truly desires.

Once your Shen is strong and vibrant your eyes will shine and your mind will be clear.  From here the deeper levels of joining the void can be explored in which you will know and see all things, thus allowing your movement to become without  intention and demonstrating uncanny abilities.

I will leave you with this final excerpt from Sun Lu Tang’s book “AUTHENTIC EXPLANATIONS OF MARTIAL ARTS CONCEPTS” (Translated by Paul Brennan in 2013) about Li Nang Ren:

“In the same county was a certain man who came top in the imperial military exams. His body was strong and he was an extraordinary man, also an expert in boxing arts. With Li he was simple and friendly, but of Li’s martial art he was secretly unconvinced. He always wanted to challenge others, but when he was on such friendly terms, he was too shy to say so. One day they were conversing in a room, talking and laughing like everything was normal. But he began to decide to test Li after all, and with the intention of catching him totally unprepared.

When he acted, he took advantage of the unexpectedness of it, sneaking up behind Li to clutch him and forcefully lift him up. And as he extended a hand, his body was already soaring diagonally upward, his head went into the ceiling, and then he fell back down with both feet standing on the ground rather than falling down.

He suspected Li of sorcery, but Li informed him: “It’s not sorcery, it’s just that at the highest level the boxing art is a spiritual skill. As it is unperceived, it seems miraculous and beyond your comprehension.” From that point, his contemporaries dubbed him “Magic Boxing” Li Nengran.”

[2] Inspiration Penetrates the Headtop

Inspiration penetrates my headtop? What the h, e, double hockey sticks do they mean? Well these cryptic sayings help you ponder the meaning of tai chi and internal martial arts. There are many levels in tai chi and the first starts with intention. One must learn to use their intention to draw energy up the back of their spine to the top of their head, then back down to the lower Dan Tian. The micro cosmic circuit is an important, it helps deliver the energy to the all 3 Dan Tians and develop deeper levels of internal training. Once your lower Dan Tian becomes full and rock hard one can start developing the internal organs and fill the body, thus naturally expressing through the 4 extremities or antennas. It all starts by using your intention and delivering energy up your back side though 😉
Now there are three gates that one must get through to fully open your Governor Vessel (Du Meridian). The first gate is (GV 1) located on the tailbone. Energy must be in abundance to “push through” the gates. Intention must truly be focused but not on the point, a person must concentrate on the Bai Hui point (crown of the head) as if the gates were already open and the energy flow within the vessel was smooth. Once the energy “pops” through the first point it will again need to gain abundance at the next point opposite the middle Dan Tian, located between the shoulder blades. Lastly it must pass through the base of the skull also known as the Jade Pillow in Daoist terms.
*Side note, Depending on your lineage and sifu these points have different names and even locations. I’m not one to argue whether it GV1 or 4, 10, 11 or 12, and 16 or 17; the concept is the important part–knowing that feeling or hearing a popping action will allow you to know you have passed the gate!
**Side Side note, But Sifu I didn’t hear or feel a pop! That’s ok, keep relaxing and moving the energy. A slow leak may occur that eventually gets bigger and bigger. Not everyone is the same but when a person starts really feeling the energy buzzing/vibrating in their upper Dan Tian they will know it!
With the Du meridian open your yin and yang energies can blend and true harmony can be gained. By combining the active and passive energies, vigor and health can be re-aligned, your essence can be converted to energy and this energy can be moved, especially through the yin meridians to nourish the 5 organs and then to deeper levels.