Tag Archives: Ren Meridian

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 5th Method: Lift

Mount HuangShan. Resting place of Chen Tuan and birthplace of Liu He Ba Fa

The 5th Method is Lifting —ti (提). “The peak hangs on emptiness (ding xuan xu kong 顶悬虚空).”   Like a thread ontop of your head, holding it up and suspending the rest of your body.  Lifting the top of your head creates several mechanisms in your body.  First it creates proper alignment within your energy pathways and structure.  Your head is suspended, lengthening your neck and slightly tucking your chin.  It straightens your spinal column and Ren meridian. It allows your shoulders to hang and hollow out your chest.  Your Saliva and energy will have a better and straighter path towards your stomach and lower dan tian.   You have the ability to tuck your tailbone underneath you, engaging your kuas, and having the ability to move  in a flowing fashion.  The energy will naturally want to sink into your dan tian and your root.  This internal alignment is good for both health and fighting.

Secondly, by suspending your head you focus your energy and shen high as well.  Your upper body becomes light and mobile as air. It feels energized and engaged.    It may feel like buzzing, or raindrops but activity occurs and it is good thing! This engagement can calm your mind and raise your awareness.  Your mind can more easily find peace through emptiness.  Eventually it allows you to connect and become apart of the grander picture.