Tag Archives: Fu

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 8th Method: Conceal

GM Wu Yi Hui performing猛 蛟 入 海 Měng Jiāo Rù Hǎi – Fierce dragon enters the sea from the Liùhébāfǎ Xìliè Qīnglóng Jiàn (六合八法系列青龙剑 )

The last method is Conceal (fu 伏).  One must hide appearance, conceal moment (yin xian cang ji 隐现藏机).

It is one thing to guard your intention but truly another to conceal it.  Once you have mastered the movements, make them flow effortlessly/subconsciously, and connected the harmonies you must conceal.  You must be able to manifest at will, without hesitation, and without divulging it.  This will make your wushu special and Gong Fu strong!  You instantly react and ultimately control.  The opponent only sees a calm and relaxed person infront of them.  They cannot tell what you will do and how you will react.  This will make them nervous and will give you signals to their actions.  Energetically and physically they will telegraph their intentions and desires.  They will be frantically paddling in your calm waters, disturbing you and giving you clues to the commotion.

How a person chooses to practice this method is up to the teacher.  Many lineages tighten up their style, creating a small frame with lots of intricate yet precise movements.  Others send intention back inwards allowing only their shen to permeate through their eyes.  Others believe it a nature progression of the training where conceal occurs as you work your way through the six harmonies and naturalize with emptiness (void).   Whatever a person’s method this concept allows you to reach a level where your Gong Fu seems miraculous.  Like GM Wu Yi Hui you will be able to surround  your opponent, avoiding and countering at will; all while they are unable to grasp you or your intentions.