Tag Archives: Animals

Liu He Ba Fa 8 Methods — 3rd Method: Shape

The 3rd Method is Shape (xing形); “Change image, copy and imitate–hua xiang mo fang (化象模仿). ” Shape is important.  To copy your sifu’s form and movement leads you down your own correct path.  You have to trust their skill and intent, but once you get the form down, with correct movement, you can start applying the harmonies and ideals, framing it to you and your will.  This involves shape – structure, motion, and intent.  With solid structure and fluid motion you will begin to move effortlessly and quickly.  Your body will get used to the intent you would like to apply and can change to it quickly.  It will mold into your own will and it will become powerful.

Shape includes the ideals of the 12 animals and 3 levels of Liu He Ba Fa.  You must learn to coil like the dragon, be fierce like the tiger, be nimble like the swallow, graceful like the goose.  You must understand what each animal  represents energy-wise and understand what it inspires (we will discuss each animal in later posts).  The levels involve high to low stances, being swift like air, flowing like water, and yet deeply rooted into the earth.

You are not on some animal spirit journey but understanding how they should move and what they bring to the form is important.  You must study the individual movements and what the intent is with the particular animal.  Coil, pouncing, seizing, being swift and nimble– All different characteristics that must be analyzed and understood.  The animals and levels bring necessary ideals which create health, mobility, and mindset.