Tag Archives: 16 principles

[11] Concentration Depends on Your Ears

Have you ever been trying to perform a task, especially difficult, that requires a lot of concentration and right before knocking it out of the ballpark something distracts you and the grandioso attempt comes crashing down? The same is true for tai chi and all internal martial arts. Concentration and focus in task are required. Many people just do the form, thinking of random things or distracted by random noises and after 10 years of walking through the movements, they have very little to show for it. A person needs dedication, they need to work their intent, and they need to concentrate on the effort!
So why the ears? The ears are one of the easiest access points for distraction for obvious reasons. But what should we listen too to stop this distraction? In internal martial arts its not the outside noises – NO it’s the inside ones. Inside ones? Yes! You must learn to focus inward, listen to your heartbeat, your blood flow, and your energy move! You must clear your mind, shed off the day, forget what is happening around you and go in. Once you have mastered your in can you then work your way back out (but not with your ears!)
Another advantage of listening inward is the ability to better seal your body. What does that mean? As your focus and intent goes inward and becomes intense your skin has the potential on a cellular level to seal and contain your inward thoughts and energy. You will be able to create that cauldron that will turn essence into energy and eventually energy into spirit. Why do monks like to sit in caves and face walls? No damn distractions! With no distractions this process can become easier and the body can evolve quicker.
Modern society may not have that luxury. You may have to put in earplugs, find a quiet corner in your apartment or house or anywhere really and do your best. Whatever your situation, learning to listen inward is key into developing the rest of your skills and energy.
Now going back to working your way back out. Once you have listened inwards and your ears are not distracted with outward noises and your skin has sealed then it will become sensitive. This sensitivity will allow you to listen and react with your skin (and eventually shen). This listening is an important step in your training. You cannot skip or neglect it and think you will come to some amazing results. All these steps work towards that greater goal of developing your shen and gaining true skill and without molding each cog first you will never be able to truly build the wheel!
* Interesting side note – Scientists have even developed earphones that artificially create this environment and allow your focus to be amplified on your task and proven that it exponentially increases ability and function (https://www.haloneuro.com/science).

[10] Arriving is a Matter of Your Spirit.

The Spirit again!  As discussed in principle 3 the Shen is what gives us the ability understand our surroundings, decipher our opponent, and perceive their intentions without giving anything away.  Your ability to develop your spirit, through slow and deliberate processes can give you a great advantage and open up a whole new world.

Boxers, mma figthers, etc… the great ones are able to see the micro-movements in their opponents and counter or move first off that, disrupting and ultimately overcoming their counterpart’s strategy.  The greats like Li Nengran, Dong Haichaun, and Yang Luchan were able to do this on a different level; through the feeling of another’s energy and spirit.  How is that possible? It’s a different level that takes dedication, years of practice and refinement, and even then only 1 in 10,000 can reach it.

To reach this goal you must develop your Qi into Shen, raise it up into your Upper Dan Tian and develop your Shen valley (part in-between your two brain lobes).  You must open your upper valley to perceive all things (third-eye concept).  This is where it will get weird and will require your already top-notch very knowledgeable instructor to help you!  The sensations and perceptions you will experience will be nothing like you have ever had before (like a baby coming into a new world) and others will have thought you lost your mind.  A instructor will have to guide you back and show you control and understanding.  Last thing a person wants is to be perceived looney yet just be on that next level with no way to get it under control 😉

This concept is where you have to truly believe in the deeper levels of internal martial arts.   Some people consider it laughable, that is fine and I will never begrudge a person who thinks so; the rarity and dedication to this concept seems to have escaped modern times.   However like other esoteric concepts (example- an after life) what does it hurt to go after this level?  Even if you don’t reach it the benefits you will reap from the prior levels will be amazing for mind, body and soul, giving you a long and hopefully happy life!